By: Bill 8)
The show at LUPO's was similar to the show in Baltimore, altho the played a different version of MGG, (I not a musician nor do I have musical talent). They played it faster & in a higher key. It looked like they were having alot of fun with it.
The Crowd was much larger but they had several local Radio stations promoting it like WZZO , they also gave out several prizes, like 10 autographed posters & an autographed guitar. This helped make it a larger show (over 650 users)than Baltimore (about 300), it was a shame that more users did not get to see the show in there, but for "US the Faithful Followers of TON" the show was great.
The crowd was a bit rougher than Baltimore & the were alot of boobie flashings going on, this always makes any more show fun. :) There was alot of body surfing & moshing. DRAIN was even better the second time too. They are a GREAT way to get ready for a TYPE O show. Sister Machine Gun really got the crowd into a moshing mood before TYPE O came on.
Bill 8) Return to the '97 US Tour, part 1.